 Off-brand ‘Zing’ label produced to avoid clearance problems
 Fleur de Lis; hand drawn template, layers cut from foam core to create depth. Smoothed with painters mud and painted gold.
 Mock-up of a fake fertilizer brand, a prop.
 Royal Gazette, a newspaper prop designed & collaged with real period newspapers and recreations from Colonial Williamsburg. It was frequently edited for close-ups reflecting plot points in the series.
 Practical prop printing presses of the kind used in the late 1700s, shown here with a prop press plate.
 Prop printing plates for the British navy signal book — made from the type of clear plastic that ADA compliant signs are made of, type printed backwards as it would be on the plate. Scenic painters helped me out getting the look of a metallic plate
 Retouching—for a framed portrait photo of Rainn Wilson’s character, I added the background  and made the image look like a photo from the 80’s.
 Retouching—integrated Rainn Wilson’s character into a photo of Jimmy Carter on Air Force One.
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